Postdoctoral and PhD Positions in Evolutionary Biology, Computational Biology, and Biophysics
We are looking for exceptionally qualified postdoctoral and PhD researchers to work in experiment, data analysis, and theory of molecular evolution. Candidates’ backgrounds include genetics, experimental and theoretical physics, and computational biology. The DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center Predictability in Evolution is a leading consortium focusing on predictive analysis of evolution in fast-evolving systems: microbes, viruses, immune systems, and cancer. Our research is strongly interdisciplinary, bridging between evolutionary and systems biology, experimental and statistical biophysics. At the University of Cologne and its partner institutions , we offer an international scientific environment with excellent training and networking opportunities. PhD and postdoctoral researchers are affiliated with individual project groups or across projects, and they fully benefit from the Center’s joint facilities.
Currently open positions
Predictability in Evolution
Collaborative Research Center 1310
Long term visits
Support is available for a small number of long term research visits, e.g., sabbatical research projects. Such visits should be pre-arranged with a project leader of CRC 1310. Applications should contain a CV, a concise description of the research project, and a cost summary, and should be sent to
Student internships
Support is available for a small number of student research internships, e.g., summer projects. Such visits should be pre-arranged with a project leader of CRC 1310. Applications should contain a CV, a concise description of the research project, and a cost summary, and should be sent to